So here are photos from times that I really enjoyed doing stuff that we do_
This one was a Tropical party.
Troys going away party_ We had to dress as something starting with T R O or Y. So Jess,Molly and I went as robbers. There was also a digger, Tom Waits, Rodeo (he was a cowboy really), Transvestites etc etc. It was good
ooh wow
Hunting & Fishing party
I was a hunter, Molly was a human hunter ....
Hung out with a gaggle of geese in Port Chalmers
Sawyers Bay reservoir, Its really nice...
I'd recommend having picnics here
This is my favourite place in Dunedin
A hydrangea field on the way to Port Chalmers, you can go in and pick blooms...
I filled up the car
jeepers, sunday session.
This ended with me in crutches, gday sprained hip